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SCA Institute of Excellence (SCAIE) is being developed as continuity of heritage for doing the tasks with dedication to the best of our capacity and resources plus learning lessons for sustainable growth by using creative talents in skill development.

SCAIE is undertaking tasks in a phased manner to establish it as International Holistic Center of sharing Expertise & Knowledge in areas of:


  • Integrated Water Resources Management

  • Irrigation Engineering

  • Environmental Engineering

  • Energy

  • Skill Development

  • Value Engineering

  • Health & Wellbeing

  • Food & Nutrition and

  • Life Sciences

What we do: Text

Conceptual Phase

In a way, this phase was started with our story and having Temple of Spirit standing as our cultural heritage.

Our Founding Directors had recognised decades back our vision and dedicated their creative best doing research and experiments in their dreams, thoughts, Out-of-Box thinking and at home on bench scale models in verifying conceptual ideas and designs so as to implement at the least cost and affordable by the end users.

What we do: About

Skill Development Phase

SCA Institute of Excellence is an open structured organization and holistic center where learning never stops.

Learning is like a bridge connecting Experts and Learners where knowledge grows with curiosity to know and wisdom comes through experience.


Skill Development Programs of SCAIE are carefully formulated primarily for own staff to have culture of enjoying work and have satisfied family at home too. SCAIE also have formulated Skill Development Programs under its CSR Programs where communities can learn and acquire basic skills and subsequently could be connected with our vision to make world a better place to live: more with confidence in self; that comes with skill development by keeping the pace with changing needs and lifestyle enabling all to live in present, learning from the past and plan for future dreams to be reality sooner.

What we do: About

Agriculture Phase

We have our own farmland of 7.5 acres (developed as SCA Vatika) in village Chapariya, 1.1 km from Temple of Spirit in the state of Gujarat, India and 52 km from The Statue of Unity and world's largest most modern gravity dam, Sardar Sarovar DamThe SCA Vatika has nearly 2500 trees and fully automated drip irrigation system working since 2013.


The SCA Vatika looks like a Resort with beautiful Panorama of forest-hills with Narmada River flowing just 10 km in catchment area of Sardar Sarovar Dam.
In ancient time of Mahabharata, this was Hiddamba-Van (forest of Hiddamba, a tribal woman whom Bhima of Pandava married).

The SCA Vatika is inspiring the surrounding villages and younger farmers by amazing results achieved continuously for 4 years with the Advanced Farming Methods (AFM) and the Latest Affordable Technologies (LAT) used listed below:



Since over past 100 years, our family has humblest reputation of serving farming communities of more than 30 villages in the area. SCAIE already had rolled out plans to adopt 10 villages for developing them into Model Smart Villages through Innovative AFM, SSFP, Holistic Farming, LAT, Trench Technology and Robotic Technologies in soil preparations, cultivation, irrigation and all stages of farming to effective and optimum use of water, seeds, mix of organic & chemical fertilizers and organic pesticides apart from eliminating all labour intensive works by men and bullocks (or buffalo or horse) of traditional farming in the face of irregularities of monsoon. 


SCAIE is regularly holding extensive group meetings with the farmers and students of primary schools in these villages. The systematic records (photos, video and audio) are kept about the extensive surveys conducted with direct participation of women, girls, boys and men of farming communities voicing themselves about current situations and difficulties they are facing in education, health, drinking water and various needs of farming.


Younger farmers who had left farming in the villages around SCA Vatika searching jobs and working in cities are already thinking of returning to farming after witnessing the amazing results of AFM, Holistic Farming and Robotic Farming at SCA Vatika in all stages of farming starting from soil preparations to harvesting of crops: handled single-handed by our founding director & CEO Suresh Gorana himself working as farmer; assisted by Indu Gorana without taking help from any farm labourers or bullocks. SSFP, AFM, and Holistic Farming have been successfully implemented in 7 acres of SCA Vatika growing verities of crops like wheat, maize, most of pulses and vegetables. We have achieved nearly theoretical crops-yields plus 60% average savings in consumption of seeds, nominal or zero use of chemical fertilizers and ZERO chemical pesticides as compared with the traditional farming.


SSFP, AFM, Holistic Farming and Fully Automated Drip irrigation are used for all crops including even for wheat (drip irrigation can't be thought of in traditional farming methods for wheat crops). We have achieved premium quality and high yields of each crop by significant savings in irrigation water; thus, the dream of 'more Crop per Drop' became a reality. A single bore well of 300 feet deep with 7.5 HP electrically powered submersible pump is enough to meet total water requirements of life at SCA Vatika plus growing three crops and vegetables round the year, even when dry monsoon experienced for consecutively two years in this arid area facing irregularities of monsoon. SSFP and Trench Technology developed by SCAIE in-house and implemented is making farming self-sustainable and lesser dependent on monsoon apart from making soil increasingly fertile in Holistic Farming. 


SCAIE is now all set to manufacture on large scale the LAT based Smart Nano Machines affordable by the farmers having small to large farmland to make Robotic Farming a reality.

Holistic Farming and Robotic Farming shall bring revolution in farming globally, particularly in India to ensure future generations of farmers a vibrant, economic and sustainable future right in the comforts of their own villages.

What we do: About

Workshop Phase

SCA Institute of Excellence is an open structured organization and holistic center where learning never stops.

Learning is like a bridge connecting Experts and Learners where knowledge grows with curiosity to know and wisdom comes through experience.


WORKSHOPS modules of SCAIE are carefully designed by our founding directors to share knowledge, experience and expertise interactively for learning through curiosity, making mistakes and analysis to get the fishing net and not the fish.


WORKSHOPS modules are based on self-experience of our founding directors in doing the things differently with Out-of-Box thinking and self-commitments to Do-It-Right First Time. SCAIE strongly believes that all Young Minds have potentials to learn the art of 'Out-of-Box thinking', 'Do-It-Right First Time' and 'Doing the things differently' rather than considering these as natural gifts. SCAIE is trying to make this possible for all youngsters having curiosity and self-commitments to explore their own potentials in WORKSHOPS modules and to make them believe that "Yes, I can Do it".


Suresh Goranaour founding director & CEO had records of making youngsters self-confident wherever he had worked in his illustrious career of four decades in Hi-Tech Oil & Gas areas (both upstream & downstream), Refineries and troubleshooting.

What we do: About

e-Commerce Phase

SCA Institute of Excellence is offering high quality Small & Smart Machines affordable by the farmers having small to large farmland in making Robotic Farming a reality. Functional details are available on the portfolio of the machines with pictures on this website.


These machines are marketed online only to keep the price lowest possible for the end users. The machines can be ordered by booking online making a part payment in advance. SCAIE will communicate the availability and delivery date to the buyers. There could be long waiting period and full payment must be made online before delivery date as may be advised by SCAIE.

What we do: About
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